产品特性稳定 | 产品名称标气 |
含量≥0.0020% | 是否危险化学品否 |
是否进口否 | 产地山东 |
CAS74-82-8 | 执行质量标准药典二氧化碳2020 |
品牌haohan | 产品等级分析纯 |
中国药典2020版 | 二氧化碳甲烷 |
碳氢化合物净化装置 | 一氧化碳硫化氢 |
磷化氢二氧化硫 | GDX-101GDX-102 |
GDX-103环氧乙烷 | 安捷伦岛津 |
赛默飞瓦里安 | OV-101布鲁克 |
产品特性稳定 | 产品名称标气 |
含量≥0.0020% | 是否危险化学品否 |
是否进口否 | 产地山东 |
CAS74-82-8 | 执行质量标准药典二氧化碳2020 |
品牌haohan | 产品等级分析纯 |
中国药典2020版 | 二氧化碳甲烷 |
碳氢化合物净化装置 | 一氧化碳硫化氢 |
磷化氢二氧化硫 | GDX-101GDX-102 |
GDX-103环氧乙烷 | 安捷伦岛津 |
赛默飞瓦里安 | OV-101布鲁克 |
Hydrocarbons are measured by gas chromatography (General Rule 0521) and the gas of the test product is taken from this product, that is, the reference gas is obtained as a gas with a methane content of 0.0020% (with nitrogen as the diluent). Chromatographic conditions: Use a chromatographic column (4mm×0.8m, 80 mesh) with glass balls as filler; the column temperature is 110°C; the inlet temperature is 110°C; the detector is a flame ionization detector, and the temperature is 120°C. Measure the test gas and the reference gas, inject them into the gas chromatograph respectively, and the peak area measured when the purification temperature is 360 ℃ is the corresponding blank value; accurately measure the test gas and the reference gas, and inject them into the gas chromatograph respectively. Instrument, measure the peak area, and the peak area after subtracting the corresponding blank value is the calibration peak area limit. Calculate the calibration peak area according to the external standard method, and the hydrocarbon content (calculated as methane) shall not exceed 0.0020%.
The above are the standards for hydrocarbons in carbon dioxide in the 2020 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia:
Haohan Chromatography produces methane standard gas according to the national standard of pharmacopoeia
Name: Standard Gas
Ingredients: Methane
Content: 0.0020% (V/V volume ratio)
Balance gas: N2
Volume: 4 liters, 8 liters
Material: aluminum alloy steel cylinder
Pressure reducing valve: optional
Application: Chinese Pharmacopoeia Carbon Dioxide 2020 Edition --- Determination of Hydrocarbons
企业类型 | 有限责任公司(自然人独资) | 统一社会信用代码 | 91370481MA3CLD3F51 |
成立日期 | 2016-11-11 | 法定代表人/负责人 | 王晓莹 |
注册资本 | 401.1万(元) | 注册地址 | 山东省枣庄市滕州市荆河街道红荷大道智贸城12幢1单元315号房 |
营业期限 | 2016-11-11 至 无固定期限 | 登记机关 | 滕州市市场监督管理局 |
经营范围 | 色谱仪器技术开发、技术推广及技术咨询;销售:实验室设备。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后凭许可证方可开展经营活动) |