产品特性涡轮机油 | 是否进口否 |
产地德国 | 型号CASTROL BRAYCO 599 |
品牌嘉实多 | 类别滚动轴承润滑脂 |
锥入度45 | 滴点250℃ |
针入度69mmmm | 稠化剂类型钙基润滑脂 |
应用领域汽车工业用脂 | 化学成分酯油 |
最低使用温度-40℃ | 颜色质地米色 |
密度0.99g/cm? | 保质期36个月 |
包装8盎司/罐 |
产品特性涡轮机油 | 是否进口否 |
产地德国 | 型号CASTROL BRAYCO 599 |
品牌嘉实多 | 类别滚动轴承润滑脂 |
锥入度45 | 滴点250℃ |
针入度69mmmm | 稠化剂类型钙基润滑脂 |
应用领域汽车工业用脂 | 化学成分酯油 |
最低使用温度-40℃ | 颜色质地米色 |
密度0.99g/cm? | 保质期36个月 |
包装8盎司/罐 |
CASTROL?BRAYCO?599是一种特殊设计的合成基质、深琥珀色防锈浓缩物。它被设计用作使用MIL-PRF-23699合成涡轮机油的涡轮发动机和直升机变速箱的10-15%体积储存添加剂。根据储存条件和储存时间,5%至10%的较低浓度可能适用于某些成分储存应用。CASTROL? BRAYCO? 599
CASTROL? BRAYCO? 599 is a specially designed synthetic base, dark amber, rust preventative concentrate. It is designed for use as an additive for storage at 10-15% by volume for turbine engines and helicopter transmissions which use MIL-PRF-23699 synthetic turbine oils. Lower concentrations, between 5 and 10 percent, may be suitable for some component storage applications, depending upon storage conditions and length of storage.
To receive full protection when the equipment is intended to be placed in extended storage, CASTROL? BRAYCO? 599 should be added to the oil sump immediately after an oil change, especially in locations where high humidity and salt spray are present. The corrosion inhibited oil should be capable of limited use, not exceeding 25 hours. It is recommended to add CASTROL? BRAYCO? 599 in concentrations between 10 and 15 percent by volume.
Meets all the requirements of, and is qualified to MIL-PRF-8188D. Complies with General Electric, Aircraft Engine Group Specification D50TF6-S1.
CASTROL? BRAYCO? 599 has a maximum recommended shelf life of 9 years from date of manufacture. This shelf life assumes that the product is stored in its original unopened packaging in ambient temperature conditions.
Consult the engine manufacturer's maintenance manual or service bulletin to determine the specific engine model storage requirements.
Available in different packaging options, 8 ounce tins, 5 US gallon pails and 55 US gallon drum containers.
企业类型 | 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股) | 统一社会信用代码 | 91211000MA0UJXE900 |
成立日期 | 2017-10-12 | 法定代表人/负责人 | 李树勇 |
注册资本 | 600万(元) | 注册地址 | 辽宁省辽阳市白塔区新运大街35-5号楼东2单元168号 |
营业期限 | 2017-10-12 至 2047-10-11 | 登记机关 | 辽阳市白塔区市场监督管理局 |
经营范围 | 化工产品、润滑油、建材、钢材、汽车及零配件、通讯设备、日用品、五金产品、文化用品、航空器材、食品、保健食品、电子产品、机械设备及配件销售;园林绿化工程施工服务;智能化安装工程服务;通讯工程安装服务;货物进出口。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动。) |