产品特性功率稳定 | 加工定制否 |
品牌梓冠 | 型号ZG-DFB |
种类激光器 | 波段范围1392,1653 |
运转方式连续式 | 激励方式电激励式 |
工作物质半导体 | 光路径透过型外光路 |
输出形式功率型 | 传输信号单电源型 |
速度高速 | 通道单通道 |
输出波长1392,1653nm |
产品特性功率稳定 | 加工定制否 |
品牌梓冠 | 型号ZG-DFB |
种类激光器 | 波段范围1392,1653 |
运转方式连续式 | 激励方式电激励式 |
工作物质半导体 | 光路径透过型外光路 |
输出形式功率型 | 传输信号单电源型 |
速度高速 | 通道单通道 |
输出波长1392,1653nm |
Temperature controlled pigtail laser series, using quantum well structure DFB laser, built-in semiconductor refrigeration, advanced laser welding process to achieve butterfly tail fiber packaging, compact structure, small volume, widely used in the field of optical fiber communication; Due to the advantages of high power and wavelength stability under high precision temperature control of semiconductor refrigeration, laser is widely used in the field of optical fiber sensor.
Fiber optic Gas detection system
Production and testing of passive component for Gas detection
Imported quantum well structure(OMQs) DFB semiconductor laser chip
Stable wavelength
High output power
hermetic package
封装形式:BF14 尾纤式、TF8 空间式、TO39 及其他定制
Packaging:BF14 Pigtail type,TF8 space type,TO39 and other customized
〖额定极限工作条件Rated limit operating conditions〗
参 数 Parameters | 符号 Symbol | 参数值 Value | 单 位 Unit |
激光二极管正向电流 Forward current of laser diode | If(LD) | 100 | mA |
激光二极管反向电压 Reverse voltage of laser diode | Vr(LD) | 2 | V |
背光探测器工作电流 Operating current of backlight detector | If(PD) | 2 | mA |
背光探测器反向电压 Operating voltage of backlight detector | Vr(PD) | 20 | V |
致冷器工作电流 Operating current of refrigerator | ITEC | 2.4 | A |
致冷器工作电压 Operating voltage of refrigerator | VTEC | 2.9 | V |
工作温度 Operating temperature | Topr | -20~+70 | ℃ |
储存温度 Storage temperature | Tstg | -40~+85 | ℃ |
引线焊接温度/时间 Lead welding temperature/time | Tsld | 260/10 | ℃/s |
〖Technical parameter:(Test environment temperature is 25℃)〗
参数 Parameters | 符号 Symbol | 测试条件 Condition | 最小值 Min. | 典型值 Typ. | 值Max. | 单位 Unit |
出光功率 Parameters | PO | CW | 3 | 10 | mW | |
阈值电流 Optical power | Ith | CW | ? | 12 | 18 | mA |
工作电流 Threshold current | Iop | CW, 5mW | - | ? | 100 | mA |
工作电压 Operating current | Vop | CW, 5mW | ? | 1.5 | 2.0 | V |
斜率效率 Slope efficiency | η | CW, 5mW | 0.05 | 0.1 | ? | mW/mA |
峰值波长 Peak wavelength | λp | CW, 5mW@25℃ | λc -1 | λc | λc+ 1 | nm |
波长稳定度Wavelength stability | λs | CW,5mW@25℃ | -0.1nm | +0.1 | dB | |
边模抑制比 Side mode suppression ratio | SMSR | CW, 5mW | 35 | ? | ? | nm |
光谱宽度(20dB) Spectral width(20dB | ?λ | CW, 5mW | ? | 0.2 | nm/℃ | |
波长随温度变化漂移系数 Wavelength drift coefficient with temperature | Δλ/T | 稳定工作电流Steady operating current | 0.1 | nm/℃ | ||
波长随电流变化漂移系数 Wavelength drift coefficient with current | Δλ/I | 稳定工作温度Steady operating temperature | 0.01 | nm/mA | ||
热敏电阻 Thermistor | Rth | Ttherm = 25?C | 9.5 | 10 | 10.5 | k? |
In gas detection, according to the absorption spectrum data provided by HITRAN, there are usually several absorption peaks for the same gas. Customers should choose the best center wavelength location according to their own system needs.
〖气体吸收参考表Gas absorption reference table 〗 〖外形尺寸External dimensions〗
气体成分 Gas component | 吸收波长 Absorption wavelength |
O2 | 761nm、764nm (VCSEL) |
HF | 1268.7nm、1273nm、1278nm |
H2O | 1368.59nm、1392nm |
NH3 | 1512nm |
C2H2 | 1532.68nm |
CO | 1567nm |
H2S | 1578nm |
Co2 | 1580nm、2.0um |
C2H4 | 1620nm、1627nm |
CH4 | 1647nm、1650.9nm、1653.7nm、1660nm |
HCl | 1742nm |
企业类型 | 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股) | 统一社会信用代码 | 91510700327097836A |
成立日期 | 2015-03-16 | 法定代表人/负责人 | 唐娟 |
注册资本 | 1,000万(元) | 注册地址 | 四川省绵阳市经开区塘汛镇文武中路218号(电子制造产业园)16幢3层 |
营业期限 | 2015-03-16 至 无固定期限 | 登记机关 | 绵阳市市场监督管理局 |
经营范围 | 通信设备(不含大功率发射装置)、光电器件及耗材的研发、生产、销售,计算机软硬件的开发,网络技术服务,货物进出口。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)*** |