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2024 Guangzhou Overseas Real Estate Immigrant Study Exhibition

本次展会将搭建海外投资、海外房产、移民留学一站式互利共赢平台,打造金融投资、海外房产、移民留学领域的年度盛会! 展开

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  • 2000.00 价格为商家提供的参考价,请通过"获取最低报价"


  • 发货地上海 奉贤区
  • 发货期限不限
  • 供货总量3000平方米
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2024 Guangzhou Overseas Real Estate Immigrant Study Exhibition

2024  Guangzhou Overseas Real Estate Immigrant Study Exhibition 

Simultaneously held: 2024 Guangzhou International Education and Study Abroad Exhibition


Overseas real estate | Overseas immigrants| Study Abroad| overseas investment

2024727日-728             27th-28th July, 2024     

广州保利世贸博览馆                     Guangzhou Poly World Trade Expo


Exhibition Overview



In recent years, the number of domestic buyers, immigrants, and students studying abroad has grown rapidly. Real estate, immigration, and study abroad are in line with the laws of economic globalization, capital globalization, and talent globalization. While material life improves, people are increasingly concerned about their own living environment, children's education environment, medical care, and elderly care. Therefore, the interest and demand of domestic people in studying abroad, purchasing overseas properties, and investing overseas are increasing. In today's global economic integration, It is particularly important to fully utilize the global resources provided by exhibitions to prepare for a happy life in the future, seize current opportunities, and seize the market.

The Guangzhou Overseas Real Estate Immigration and Study Abroad Exhibition is an ideal platform for overseas exhibitors to explore the Chinese market and promote overseas real estate projects. It provides you with the opportunity to directly face high-end Chinese sellers and enhance your visibility in the Chinese overseas real estate immigration market. This exhibition will build a one-stop mutually beneficial and win-win platform for overseas investment, overseas real estate, and immigration and study abroad, and build an annual event in the fields of financial investment, overseas real estate, and immigration and study abroad!

Expo Goal:

Seeking optimized global asset allocation for domestic high net worth individuals, enabling them to have a deeper understanding of foreign culture, education, environment, welfare, etc., in order to choose investment, real estate, immigration and study abroad projects that better meet their own conditions, and providing ideas for Chinese entrepreneurs on how to go international and achieve global capital.

Targeted invitation to professional visiting groups


The Guangzhou Overseas Real Estate Immigration and Study Abroad Exhibition has established comprehensive cooperation with private banks, golf clubs, real estate clubs, immigration and study abroad clubs, high-end residential areas, aviation clubs, yacht clubs, high-end clubs, and star rated hotels. We have invited VIP customer groups from various cooperating institutions, as well as leaders and representatives of government agencies and financial institutions, to ensure that high-end visitors attend the exhibition site and create an influential overseas real estate immigration and study abroad exhibition in Asia.

Numerous authoritative media tracks and promotes throughout the entire process

The exhibition will be vigorously promoted and promoted, inviting more than 100 media outlets to participate in the promotion and publicity, including Xinhua News Agency, China Business Daily, China Youth Daily, China Daily, China Securities News, Sina, Phoenix, Sofang, Sohu Focus, NetEase Real Estate, Hexun Real Estate, Zhonghua Net and other media outlets to pay attention to and report on the exhibition. Guangzhou Overseas Real Estate Immigration and Study Abroad Exhibition will be comprehensively displayed and promoted through magazines, print ads, microblogs, SMS, e-mail, Tiktok, Xiaohongshu, Kwai, Today Headlines and other new media.


On site concurrent lecture activities:

-Overseas real estate, overseas immigration, and international education and study abroad promotion conference;

-Lecture on Quality of Life and High end Service Forum;

Note: The on-site speech fee for the exhibition is 7000 yuan (30 minutes) per speech, and the organizing committee will provide stage equipment and projection walls;

Topic collection: If you want to promote products and solutions, please contact us.

Scope of Exhibits:

1. Overseas real estate developers, agents, brokers, overseas properties, high-end properties, top tier apartments, luxury villas, golf villas, resort hotels, castles, yacht docks, land farms, wineries, islands, and overseas commercial properties.

2.Overseas immigration agencies, agents and consulting service agencies, and investment immigration intermediary agents;

3.International education and study abroad institutions, international schools, international language training institutions, international vocational training institutions, study abroad institutions, etc;

4.Investment and wealth management institutions: overseas banks, securities and insurance firms, law firms, accounting firms, overseas funds, offshore trusts, family wealth management, etc;

5.Services provided by local governments, chambers of commerce, and other economic and trade organizations abroad;

Exhibition Organization Structure:

Supporting units

China Council for the Promotion of International Trade、China Merchants Bank

Undertaking unit

Shanghai Qiyao Exhibition Co., Ltd

Exhibition website: /

Collaborative media

Panoramic Network、Southern Metropolis Daily

Booth Fees:


Standard booth

Bare indoor stall

Minimum 18square meters

 Domestic enterprises

CNY 22800(foreign exhibitor)per booth

CNY 2280(foreign exhibitor)per booth

overseas enterprises

USD 3900(foreign exhibitor)per booth

USD 390(foreign exhibitor)per booth



Note: 1. Standard booth facilities: carpet, 2.5m high wall panel, 2 Chinese and English lintels, 1 consultation table, 6 chairs, 1 glass round table, 1 220V power socket, and 2 spotlights; Background board spray painting production (two sides of background wall spray painting, each side size: 2.45m high * 2.95m long);

2. There are no facilities for indoor lighting and flooring;


Sponsorship Program

The exhibition sponsors are divided into: chief sponsorship, gold level, special sponsorship, and support unit sponsorship, enjoying various special benefits and other marketing opportunities provided by the conference (detailed package information and benefits are available on request);


Exhibition process:

1. Fill out the exhibition application form, scan or mail it to the organizing unit; The principle of booth sequence allocation: "Apply first, pay first, and arrange first";

2. Within three days after receiving confirmation from the organizing unit to sign the contract, the enterprise shall remit all exhibition fees to the organizing committee, and the designated booth can be retained. After the exhibition fees are remitted, please scan the bank remittance form to the organizing unit, and the organizing unit will officially confirm the booth.

3. The organizing unit shall send the Exhibitor Handbook and other materials to the exhibitors before june 26, 2024, informing them of the booth layout, accommodation, and other precautions to be taken during the exhibition, and assisting the exhibitors in completing the exhibition activities conveniently and efficiently.



Shanghai Qiyao Exhibition Co., Ltd

Contact person: Mr. Chen Hao            phone number: 021-31-201953-613

Mobile/WeChat: 158-2142-5174                                




上海起耀展览有限公司是一家专业组织、策划、承办国内外大型展览与会议的 专业公司,拥有自身累积的相关行业数据库,主要策划承办“高交会”“金融博览会”、“金融技术设备博览会”等。 公司由多名多年从事会展行业的***人士组成,拥有充满热情、善于创新服务的专业展会服务团队。凭借在会展领域的经验、专业技能、对市场敏锐的触角和对客户需求的准确了解,不断创新展会服务理念,为客户提供***市场价值的展会营销方案。 公司愿景:成为国内会展行业持续的***。 公司核心价值观:客户至上,团队协作,持续改进。

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企业类型 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股) 统一社会信用代码 91310120MA1HM4L092
成立日期 2017-02-27 法定代表人/负责人 罗到友
注册资本 300万(元) 注册地址 上海市奉贤区海杰路1568号2幢1931室
营业期限 2017-02-27 至 2037-02-26 登记机关 奉贤区市场监督管理局
经营范围 展览展示服务,舞台搭建,道具设计、制作(限分支机构经营),陶瓷制品、石材、建材、办公用品、办公设备、日用百货、五金交电、装潢材料、工艺礼品的批发、零售,建筑装饰装修建设工程设计与施工,古建筑建设工程专业施工,城市及道路照明建设工程专业施工,设计、制作各类广告,展台设计、搭建,建筑建设工程施工,建设工程施工劳务作业。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】
上海 上海 奉贤区 海杰路1568
上海 上海 上海 上海 奉贤区 海杰路1568 上海起耀展览有限公司
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