品牌dgtech | 型号FlexOpto NE |
接口db9和光纤接口 | 用户线路数3路 |
信令支持支持 | 计费方式否 |
机箱尺寸110*200*70mm | 工作电压12V |
适用范围汽车 |
品牌dgtech | 型号FlexOpto NE |
接口db9和光纤接口 | 用户线路数3路 |
信令支持支持 | 计费方式否 |
机箱尺寸110*200*70mm | 工作电压12V |
适用范围汽车 |
EMC Testing:
FlexOpto NE is a bidirectional media converter which transmits electrical FlexRay, CAN or LIN signals via optical fibre. For an independent use a high capacity lithium-ion battery allows an operation up to 40 h without charging. The PCB design is optimized for EMC tests, emits very little noise and is unsusceptible against high levels of electromagnetic noise.
Galvanic ***lation
Operating on internal a rechargeable lithium ion battery it can transmit the signals from a DUT into an EMC
chamber to the FlexOpto NE outside the EMC chamber via optical fibre.
? EMC optimized design with low emissions
- CISPR 25: 2008-03 ALSE–method
- Class 5
? Unsusceptible against noise up to 270 V/m of *** 11452-2:2004-11
? Integrated battery, up to 40 h operation; operation with external power supply possible
? Integrated, switchable network termination with power resistors
? Supports FlexRay, CAN high-speed, LIN (only one bus at a time)
FlexOpto NE can be used as galvanic ***lation for CAN,
FlexRay or LIN networks to prevent the susceptible
measurement equipment.
Range Extender:
FlexOpto NE can function as range extender for CAN,
FlexRay or LIN networks.
EMC Testing:
FlexOpto NE is a bidirectional media converter which transmits electrical FlexRay, CAN or LIN signals via optical fibre. For an independent use a high capacity lithium-ion battery allows an operation up to 40 h without charging. The PCB design is optimized for EMC tests, emits very little noise and is unsusceptible against high levels of electromagnetic noise.
企业类型 | 有限责任公司(自然人独资) | 统一社会信用代码 | 913101053014893729 |
成立日期 | 2014-05-23 | 法定代表人/负责人 | 汪静云 |
注册资本 | 100万(元) | 注册地址 | 上海市长宁区哈密路1955号5F-240室 |
营业期限 | 2014-05-23 至 2034-05-22 | 登记机关 | 长宁区市场监管局 |
经营范围 | 从事电子科技领域内的技术开发、技术转让、技术咨询、技术服务;销售机械设备、教学设备及软件、自动化设备、通信设备(除卫星电视广播地面接收设施)、办公用品、仪器仪表、计算机软硬件;商务咨询;从事货物进出口及技术进出口业务。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 |