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140CRP93200 通信处理器模块 能有效地缩短关断电流的过程

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更新时间 : 2024-01-27
品牌SCHNEIDER 型号140CRP93200

140CRP93200 通信处理器模块 能有效地缩短关断电流的过程

SCHNEIDER 140CRP93200 通信处理器模块

140CRP93200是一款由施耐德电气制造的通信模块。该模块设计用于与Schneider Electric Quantum可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)配合使用。它具有紧凑的设计,可以很容易地集成到各种自动化系统中。140CRP93200模块提供一系列通信选项,包括以太网/IP、Modbus TCP/IP和DNP3。此外,它支持广泛的协议,使其与各种设备兼容。该模块易于安装和配置,并具有一系列诊断功能,可帮助解决可能出现的任何问题。总的来说,140CRP93200是一款可靠且通用的通信模块,适用于各种工业应用。电力电子器件正沿着大功率化、高频化、集成化的方向发展。80年代晶闸管的电流容量已达6000安,阻断电压高达6500伏。但这类器件工作频率较低。提高其工作频率,取决于器件关断期间如何加快基区少数载流子(简称少子)的复合速度和经门极抽取更多的载流子。降低少子寿命虽能有效地缩短关断电流的过程,却导致器件导通期正向压降的增加。



140CRP93200 is a communication module manufactured by Schneider Electric. This module is designed to be used in conjunction with Schneider Electric Quantum programmable logic controllers (PLCs). It has a compact design and can be easily integrated into various automation systems. The 140CRP93200 module provides a range of communication options, including Ethernet/IP, Modbus TCP/IP, and DNP3. In addition, it supports a wide range of protocols, making it compatible with various devices. This module is easy to install and configure, and has a series of diagnostic functions that can help solve any problems that may arise. Overall, 140CRP93200 is a reliable and versatile communication module suitable for various industrial applications. Power electronic devices are developing in the direction of high-power, high-frequency, and integration. In the 1980s, the current capacity of thyristors had reached 6000 amperes, and the blocking voltage was as high as 6500 volts. But these devices operate at a lower frequency. Improving its operating frequency depends on how to accelerate the recombination speed of minority carriers (abbreviated as minority carriers) in the base region and extract more carriers through the gate during the device shutdown period. Reducing the minority carrier lifetime can effectively shorten the process of turning off current, but it leads to an increase in the forward voltage drop during the device's conduction period.

Therefore, it is necessary to balance the requirements of conversion speed and device on state power loss. In the 1980s, the highest operating frequency of such devices was below 10 kHz. Bipolar high-power transistors can operate at a frequency of 100 kHz, with a controlled current capacity of several hundred amperes and a blocking voltage of over 1000 volts. However, maintaining the on state requires a larger base driving current than other power controllable devices. Due to the presence of thermal induced secondary breakdown, its surge resistance is limited. Further increasing its operating frequency is still influenced by the minority carrier storage effect in the base and collector regions. The unipolar MOS power field-effect transistor, which developed in the mid-1970s, can operate at frequencies above megahertz due to being not limited by minority carrier storage effects. The conduction current of this device has a negative temperature characteristic, making it less prone to thermal induced secondary breakdown; When it is necessary to expand the current capacity, the parallel connection of the devices is simple, and they have good linear output characteristics and small driving power; Facilitate large-scale integration in manufacturing processes. But its on state voltage drop is relatively high, and the consistency of materials and device processes is required during manufacturing. By the mid to late 1980s, the current capacity had only reached tens of amperes and the blocking voltage was nearly kilovolts.

From the 1960s to the early 1970s, power electronic devices represented by semi controlled ordinary thyristors were mainly used in phase controlled circuits. These circuits are widely used in rectification devices such as electrolysis, electroplating, DC motor drive, generator excitation, etc. Compared with traditional mercury arc rectification devices, they are not only small in size but also reliable in operation, And it has achieved significant energy-saving effects (generally saving 10-40% of electricity. From the actual situation in China, wind turbines and pumps account for about one-third of the country's electricity consumption. If AC motor speed control transmission is used, it can save more than 20% of electricity on average, and can save 40 billion kilowatt hours of electricity annually). Therefore, the development of power electronics technology is increasingly valued by people. The fully controllable turnoff thyristors and power transistors that emerged in the mid-1970s have fast switching speed, simple control, and reverse conduction turnoff thyristors that are more compatible with the functions of turnoff thyristors and fast rectifier diodes. They have advanced the application of power electronics technology to a new field with inverter and chopper as the central content. These devices have been widely used in power electronic devices such as variable frequency speed regulation, switching power supplies, and static frequency conversion.


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企业类型 有限责任公司分公司(自然人投资或控股) 统一社会信用代码 91350681MA31XTYD5H
成立日期 2018-07-26 法定代表人/负责人 陈华
注册地址 福建省漳州开发区南滨大道429号招商局芯云谷3号楼217-01 营业期限 2018-07-26 至 无固定期限
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福建 漳州 福建 漳州 芗城区 福建省漳州开发区南滨大道429号招商局芯云谷3号楼217-01 厦门雄霸电子商务有限公司漳州分公司
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