品牌安捷伦 | 是否进口否 |
产地美国 | 加工定制否 |
型号EXR108A | 产品特性示波器 |
通道数4 | 带宽1000 |
采样率27 | 记录长度33 |
波形捕获率44 | 外形尺寸55 |
重量6 | 规格61 |
可售卖地全国 | 类型数字示波器 |
品牌安捷伦 | 是否进口否 |
产地美国 | 加工定制否 |
型号EXR108A | 产品特性示波器 |
通道数4 | 带宽1000 |
采样率27 | 记录长度33 |
波形捕获率44 | 外形尺寸55 |
重量6 | 规格61 |
可售卖地全国 | 类型数字示波器 |
Keysight是德 EXR108A 数字示波器
Infiniium EXR-Series Oscilloscopes
Powerful. Easy to Own. Intuitive to Use.
Bandwidths of up to 500 MHz to 2.5 GHz on all 4 or 8 analog channels
Faster test speeds with ASICs from Infiniium UXR-Series
Capabilities extended with 7-in-1 instrument integration: oscilloscope, logic and protocol analyzers, DVM, counter, bode plotter, waveform generator
Completely upgradeable, including channel upgrades
Power Testing Simplified
Capable of analyzing power supply input, output, and switching, along with PSRR and control loop response measurements leveraging the function generator
Can analyze power rails with dedicated probes, applications, and mask testing on all channels
Dozens of probes and accessories to help measure from microwatts to kilowatts
KeysightCare Tech Support included
Find Signal Errors Fast
Searches for six different types of signal errors for a minute or up to 48 hours
Incorporates advanced software algorithms to find small deviations in otherwise standard signals
Captures thousands of consecutive faults with timing information for detailed analysis later
Enriches the powerful capabilities of the Infiniium EXR- and MXR-Series oscilloscopes and included as a standard feature
PCI-8430/2 RS-232、PCI-232/485.2CH、PCI-232/485.4CH、PCI-232/485.8CH、USB-485、PCI-4060、PCI-4351,PCI-4451,PCI-4454,PCI-5102,PCI-5401,
企业类型 | 个体工商户 | 统一社会信用代码 | 92441900MA57289Y06 |
成立日期 | 2021-08-27 | 法定代表人/负责人 | 陈振辉 |
注册地址 | 广东省东莞市塘厦镇塘厦大道中67号13栋401房 | 营业期限 | 2021-08-27 至 无固定期限 |
登记机关 | 东莞市市场监督管理局 | 经营范围 | 一般项目:仪器仪表销售;电子测量仪器销售;仪器仪表修理;电子元器件零售;五金产品零售。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动) |