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  • 所 在 地:江苏 苏州 昆山市
  • 主营产品: 爱德华真空泵维修 莱宝真空泵油 爱发科真空泵维修 普发真空泵维修
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温州普发Pfeiffer DUO65 CXP防爆真空泵维修保养 徐州台州绍兴扬州普发真空泵维修

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更新时间 : 2024-01-13

温州普发Pfeiffer DUO65 CXP防爆真空泵维修保养 徐州台州绍兴扬州普发真空泵维修

NEW Pfeiffer DUO65 CXP Corrosive, XP Explosion Proof Motor, Dual Stage Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump, 3-Phase 230/460/190/380VAC

德国普发DUO65 CXP 真空泵维修

NEW Pfeiffer DUO65 CXP Corrosive, XP Explosion Proof Motor, Dual Stage Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump, 3-Phase 230/460/190/380VAC
70 m3/hr (41 cfm),230/460/190/380VAC @ 60 Hz, PFPE Oil Only

These new Pfeiffer DUO 65CXP Explosion Proof, Dual Stage Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps include an explosion proof motor and are specially designed and manufactured to meet the demanding requirements for pumping corrosive or aggressive gases in the chemical industry and in R&D applications. These DUO 65CXP pumps run onF5 PFPE oil onlywhich offers superior resistance to harsh chemicals and oxidizing agents. These Pfeiffer DUO 65CXP PFPE prepared rotary vane vacuum pumps are commonly used for applications such as backing turbomolecular pumps, backing diffusion pumps, backing roots pumps, regenerating cryo pumps, rotary evaporation, refrigeration system evacuation, epoxy degassing, vacuum sterilization, backing mass spectrometers, freeze drying, vacuum centrifugal applications, vacuum distillation, space research, and other vacuum processes.

Thanks to a very simple and highly reliable design, the Pfeiffer DUO 65CXP Dual Stage rotary vane vacuum pump provides great performance with high pumping stability. The DUO 65CXP PFPE explosion proof, corrosive duty rotary vane vacuum pump has a high pumping speed of 41 CFM, can achieve an ultimate pressure of 3.37 x 10-3 ?and has DN 40 ISO-KF inlet and exhaust connections. The DUO 65CXP pump requires 230/460/190/380VAC 60Hz input power and comes with a 1 year manufacture warranty.

These Pfeiffer DUO 65CXP vacuum pumps can be fitted with a variety of optional accessories. These include Oil Mist Filters and Traps. DUO 65CXP vacuum pumps are new, typically stocked in inventory, and ship with manufacturers 1-year factory warranty. Parts, oil, and all optional accessories for these pumps are located for easy purchase on this website. The complete operating and instructions manual can be downloaded in PDF format below.

Explosion Proof Motor Specifications (XP Class, Group, & Division)

  • Class I, Group D

  • Class II, Group F & G

  • Division I

Typical Customer Applications That Are In Class I Environments (Flammable Gases & Vapors) Include:

  • Spray painting and finishing areas

  • Utility gas plants

  • Petroleum refining plants

  • Petroleum dispensing locations

  • Dry cleaning facilities

  • Dip tanks containing combustible or flammable fluids

  • Plant facilities extracting solvents

  • Inhalation anesthetic areas

  • Process facilities manufacturing or using nitro-cellulose (class II as well).

  • Aircraft hangars and fuel servicing areas.

  • Gas stations.

Typical Customer Applications That Are In Class II Environments (Combustible Dust) Include:

  • Flour mills.

  • Feed mills.

  • Grain elevators and grain handling facilities.

  • Fire work plants and storage areas.

  • Aluminum manufacturing and storage areas.

  • Magnesium manufacturing and storage areas.

  • Coal preparation and handling facilities.

  • Starch manufacturing and storage areas.

  • Confectionary plants.

  • Pulverized sugar and cocoa manufacturing plants. Packaging and storage plants.

  • Spice grinding and storage plants.

These explosion proof XP rotary vane vacuum pumps include an electrically sealed explosion proof motor. These explosion-proof motors are designed to limit the chance that a spark from inside the motor could travel outward to ignite air born flammable vapors or materials in the laboratory where the pump is operating. Explosion proof vacuum pumps are typically needed in applications where flammable materials may accidentally leak into the room air where these pumps are used. Explosion Proof vacuum pumps areNOTdesigned to evacuate vapors and gas mixtures which are explosive if ignited.

When the vacuum pump is used to pump flammable gases you must keep a closed air tight system by:

  • Not opening the gas ballast, opening the gas ballast could cause air (O2) to enter the pump.

  • Ensuring the foreline inlet and exhaust outlet are leak tight to avoid flammable gas leakage into the atmosphere or air (O2) from entering the pump housing.

  • Using only an inert gas like Nitrogen (N2) at the gas ballast to purge or dilute harmful gases being pumped.

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昆山熙日机械设备有限公司是由一批长期服务于某知名外企的骨干精英组建而成,注册资金100万,自公司成立起一直致力于真空设备及配件的研究、生产、推广、销售、安装及维修领域。务等广受市场好评,使得公司的效益得到迅速发展,为公司的长远发展打下牢固的基    本公司经过多年不懈的努力,已拥有一支专业的IT研发人员和全面的销售网络,所经营的产品***,现已与国内外多家大型企业保持着长期的合作关系,本公司产品以质量优良、操作简单、性价比高及周到的售后服础。    公司主要经营: X系列单级旋片泵、进口德国BECKER贝克、德国BUSCH普旭、德国LEYBOLD莱宝、德国RIETSCHLE伟力(里其乐)、英国爱德华、台湾凯威科、日本ORION好利旺、龙挺RVP系列等高端品牌真空泵及英福康(INFICON)检漏仪;并提供优惠的真空泵配件(进口):油雾分离器(排气过滤器)、叶片、碳精片、油封(轴封)、密封套件、轴套、轴承、连轴器垫(套)、连轴器、排气阀(片),视油镜、空气总成、风格(空气滤芯)、油过滤器(油格),风扇叶、风扇罩、逆止阀、气镇阀、散热器、防震脚及真空泵油;    产品广泛适用于:电光源、真空镀膜、机械、光盘、冶金、石油、化工、造纸、食品、医药、电子、电力、陶瓷、玻璃、电路板、引水、印染、制糖、制冷设备、工艺吸塑、科研、干燥及汽车维修等单位。    售后服务:公司拥有专业的维修技术人员及***的检测设备,并长期提供真空泵技术指导及修理、维护、保养、检测、咨询等服务;服务承诺:凡在本公司所购真空设备,均享有一年免费保修期,并终身提供技术支持。    公司坚持“以诚为本、信誉至上”为宗旨,不断创新改进,完善售后服务网络。我们以***的产品,***的质量,***的价格,***的服务,愿同各界朋友互相合作,***美好的未来。

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企业类型 有限责任公司(自然人独资) 统一社会信用代码 91320583094087628R
成立日期 2014-04-04 法定代表人/负责人 张晓丽
注册资本 1,000万(元) 注册地址 昆山市玉山镇晨淞路363号2号房
营业期限 2014-04-04 至 2064-04-03 登记机关 昆山市行政审批局
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