产品特性物美价廉 | 是否进口否 |
产地日本 | 厂家(产地)日本宇部UBE |
型号VCR412 | 牌号VCR617 |
品名顺丁橡胶 | 品牌宇部 |
产品特性物美价廉 | 是否进口否 |
产地日本 | 厂家(产地)日本宇部UBE |
型号VCR412 | 牌号VCR617 |
品名顺丁橡胶 | 品牌宇部 |
东莞拓凯贸易有限公司长期大量供应日本宇部UBE BR150/150L/VCR617、VCR412, VCR800 等顺丁橡胶,欢迎来电咨询。
UBEPOL BR? (high-cis BR)
UBEPOL BR? has attractive grades with superior physical properties such as abrasion resistance, rebound, tensile strength, heat build up, and grades with excellent processability such as mixing, roll banding, extrusion.
UBEPOL VCR? (composite of rubber and resin)
UBEPOL VCR? consists of high-cis BR and high-crystalline syndiotactic polybutadiene resin which is a special type of polymer alloy.
UBEPOL VCR? can contribute to produce various advantages;
to increase hardness, modulus of rubber product without adding filler.
to reduce the volume or weight of rubber product by utilizing its reinforcing effect.
to improve extrusion properties (extrusion output and dimensional stability) and roll mill shrinkage.
The Features of UBEPOL BR? and UBEPOL VCR? for Rubber Applications
Product name | Mooney viscosity (ML1+4, 100°C ) | Cis-1,4 content (wt%) | Characteristics | |
UBEPOL BR? | 150 | 43 | 98 |
150B | 40 | 97 |
| |
130B | 29 | 96 |
| |
150L | 43 | 98 |
| |
UBEPOL VCR? | 412 | 45 | 98* |
617 | 62 | 98* |
| |
450 | 39 | 98* |
| |
800 | 40 | 98* |
企业类型 | 有限责任公司(自然人独资) | 统一社会信用代码 | 91441900MA4UQ4WF0G |
成立日期 | 2016-05-29 | 法定代表人/负责人 | 陈勇 |
注册资本 | 50万(元) | 注册地址 | 广东省东莞市南城街道莞太路南城段27号518室 |
营业期限 | 2016-05-29 至 无固定期限 | 登记机关 | 东莞市市场监督管理局 |
经营范围 | 销售:塑料制品、橡胶制品及其原材料、化工产品(不含危险化学品)、玩具、礼品;货物及技术进出口。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓 |