天津华今集团有限公司 入驻平台 第11
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首页> 包装> 物流包装> 塑料编织袋> 河北带盖吨包吨袋 太空袋 集装袋 桥梁预压污泥固废 加厚底部承重大 举报

河北带盖吨包吨袋 太空袋 集装袋 桥梁预压污泥固废 加厚底部承重大

化工编织袋,化肥编织袋,饲料编织袋,豆粕编织袋,防汛沙袋,FIBC袋、吨包袋,集装袋等塑编产品——ppwovenbag,cementbag,agriculturebag,feedbag,chemicalbag,soybeanbag,sandbagetc.), 展开

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  • 发货地天津 宝坻区
  • 发货期限5天内发货
  • 供货总量1000000PCS
Daniel Han先生经理
𐂬𐂭𐂮 𐂯𐂰𐂬𐂱 𐂱𐂮𐂭𐂭
天津华今集团有限公司 入驻平台 第11
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  • Daniel Han先生
  • 𐂬𐂭𐂮 𐂯𐂰𐂬𐂱 𐂱𐂮𐂭𐂭
  • 天津
  • 硫铝酸盐水泥袋,白水泥方底阀口袋,吨包集装袋,软托盘
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可承载物料化工、 磨料、 耐火材料、 塑料、 饲料、 水泥、 粮食、 矿产品可否用于出口可以
用途通用包装、 集装袋、 物流包装、 化工包装、 饲料包装、 建材包装、 化肥包装品牌金隅砂浆BBMG、美巢MACO、DAVCO德高、华砂Vasa、Sika西卡、ARDEX亚地斯、MAP

Guanzhong Packaging Group Co.Ltd. is found in 2003 and one of the largest pp woven bag ,fibc and kraft bag production enterprises in China with more than 5000 employees and many excellent managing intellectuals,and we are a professional manufacturer and direct exporter of PP woven bag and kraft paper bag in China. Our bags are satisfied by our customer for its good quality, very competitive price, classic service. Company to establish a garden-style factory, a beautiful environment, like a park, shop clean, orderly production, high degree of automation equipment, reduce staff work intensity. For employees to create a good production, living environment.

Our branch company located in Tianjin(kraft paper bag),Shandong(FIBC,bulk bag),Anhui,Hubei and Guizhou(bopp ad *star bag,block bottom valve bag),Jiangxi (polypropylene woven bag, BOPP laminated bag, FIBC/Jumbo bag, PP fabric rolls),other new branch companies will be found in the future.

All the affiliated factories have passed ***, ***14001, SGS, Sedex and other international certification, and has successively obtained the production license for Hazardous chemicals packaging and food packaging containers. Our bag size tolerance is 卤1cm and weight 卤1g. Our technical department & design team will provide best packaging solutions to all customers with cost-competence, superior quality & quick deliveries.


We possess a series of advanced equipment from extrusion to packing. They are 15 sets of extruders, 2500 sets of circular looms, 15 sets of AD. Starlinger block bottom valve bag machines, 5 sets of computerized high-speed and 10-color flexible relief pressing machines, 5 sets of high-speed and 6-color gravure printing machines, 6 set of automatic positioned cutting machine, 5 set of gusset folding machine, 60 sets of sewing machines with single stitch or double stitches and 3 sets of packing machines, which form an integrated product line with an annual output of 50,000 metric tons per year with yearly production value of 550 million RMB. In addition to the domestic market,Our products have also exported to six continents including Asia, North America, South America, Africa, Europe and Oceania of more than 60 countries, and the annual export amount has been over 12 million US dollars.Meanwhile, we have complete equipment for quality testing so that we can ensure that the quality of products is strictly in accordance with the clients&锛�39; requirements.

We mainly produce  various range of quality products of packaging solutions such as:  AD STAR Bag,Block bottom valve bag, pp woven bag, PP Woven Sack锛汸P Woven Sack with Liner锛汻ice PP Woven Sack锛汧lour PP Woven Sack锛汣orn PP Woven Sack锛沄egetable PP Woven Sack锛汼ugar PP Woven Sack锛汼alt PP Woven Sack锛汧eed PP Woven Sack锛汧ertilizer PP Woven Sack锛汼and Woven Sack锛�Cement Woven Sack锛汳ineral PP Woven Sack锛汻esin PP Woven Sack锛汸olymer PP Woven Sack锛汫ranules PP Woven Sack锛汸erforated Sacks锛汢ox Sacks锛汫usseted Sacks锛汿ransparent PP Woven Sack锛汳ail PP Woven Sack锛汸P Shopping Sack锛汱eno Sacks锛汸aper Sack锛汢OPP Outside Coated Sacks锛汣hemical PP Woven Sack锛汸P Beach Mat锛孋ircular Woven Fabric锛沇ide Round-Woven Fabric锛汧lat Woven Fabrics锛汧IBC Fabric and Sacks锛汸P Woven Sack OEM锛宐lock bottm valve cement bag, BOPP laminated bag rice bag , and they are widely used in packing rice, flour, animal feed, grains, fertilizer, chemicals, cement, minerals, rocks etc.We specially focus on BOPP Laminated PP Woven Bags 鈥� Single Side,BOPP Laminated PP Woven Bags 鈥� Both Sides,BOPP Laminated PP Woven Bags with Gussets,BOPP Laminated PP Woven Bags with Liner,BOPP Laminated PP Woven Bags with Perforations,BOPP Laminated PP Woven Bags with Handles and D-cuts,BOPP Laminated PP Woven Bags with Window,BOPP Laminated PP Woven Bags with Top Hemming,BOPP Laminated PP Woven Valve Bags.BOPP  Block bottom valve bag, brown kraft paper or white kraft paper, 2layers 3 layers kraft paper with or without pe liner, valve bags, open mouth bags,paper bags, paper woven laminated bags , 3 Layer Paper sack/4ply Paper Bags/Multiwall Paper Sacks,  paper bag, paper plastic compound bag, square valve bag. Our above products are widely used for fertilizers, dry food, sugar, salt, seeds, cereal, animal feed, coffee beans, powdered/granular goods ,powdered milk, plastic resins, rice, flour, grains, chemicals, cement, minerals, rocks , construction materials. etc.

We are looking forward to building business relationships with you.If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business relationships with new clients around the world in the near future. 

Sincerely hope to cooperate with your esteemed company & expect your further inquiry soon.

B.rgds & Have a nice day!


Enterprise Advantage:

Manufacturing equipment technology world-class;

Product manufacturing technology world-class;

Enterprise Management concept advanced and humane;

Enterprise product market recognition of high, strong market base;

Industry belongs to Chaoyang Industry, enterprise development space is huge.

Well-versed with latest technologies;Large infrastructure facility

Quality control as per international quality norms;Expert and experienced professionals

High-tech production facility;Proficient production management

Capable to attain bulk orders;Custom production as per customer鈥檚 specifications

On time delivery;Competitive and effective prices;Export facility all over the globe

We promise:

Carefully designed to produce each product

Hard to produce every product

Full-heart to ensure the quality of each product

Continuous improvement work to provide customers with overall solution packaging solutions


AD*STAR庐is the renowned block bottom sack made without adhesives from coatedpolypropylene fabric 鈥� patented worldwide by Starlinger and made exclusively onStarlinger machines. The sack can be produced either as a one-layer blockbottom valve bag or as an open mouth bag with a block bottom. It surpasses allcomparable products as far as resistance to breakage is concerned, is versatileand also eco-friendly and economical. 

Our company is of high standing company inpackaging industry  and has started to the production of 鈥淏lock BottomBags with Valve鈥� with AD Star Technology from Starlinger/Austria.


By using the most advanced Starlingermachines for all processes from making of tapes to weaving, lamination &printing to confection and we provide top quality Block Bottom products to ourclients.


目前公司总占地面积约300亩,拥有员工1000余人,日生产能力200吨, 除供应国内市场以外,我们的产品更是远销亚洲、北美洲、南美洲、非洲、欧洲大洋洲等六大洲,超过70多个国家,年出口额超过1200万美元。通过了***、***14001、SGS、Sedex等***,先后取得了危险化学品包装和食品包装容器生产许可证。 公司拥有国内***技术水准的生产线。现拥有 8 条进?速拉丝?产线,860 台各种型号圆织机,6 条复膜?产线,彩膜机和印刷机 6 台,奥地利史太林格STARLINGER和德国威德霍尔W&H方底阀?袋制袋机28台。 按照行业分类:水泥袋,砂浆袋,石膏袋,腻子粉袋,化工编织袋,化肥编织袋,饲料编织袋,豆粕编织袋,防汛沙袋等。按照形状分类:敞口袋,阀口袋,缝纫袋,糊底袋,斜口袋,方底阀口袋等。按照表面涂层处理分类:普通印刷,彩膜印刷,珠光膜袋,OPP膜袋,涂膜袋,未涂膜袋,BOPP彩膜袋等。按照大小分类:10公斤,15公斤,20公斤,25公斤,30公斤,40公斤,50公斤,1吨编织袋,吨袋,集装袋等。按照材质分类:纸塑复合袋,三复合袋,二复合袋,三纸一膜袋,两纸一膜袋等。按照客户要求分类:M折编织袋,FIBC袋,各种塑料编织袋、大米包装袋等目前公司主要方底袋客户有:中国建材集团、中材国际集团、拉法基豪瑞集团、海螺水泥集团、冀东水泥集团、山水水泥集团、太平洋水泥、华新水泥、华润水泥、同力水泥、天瑞水泥、台泥水泥、亚洲水泥、金隅水泥、祁连山水泥、天山水泥、西南水泥、赛马水泥、海德堡水泥、中材水泥、沃特兰亭水泥、老城堡水泥、布兹由尼斯水泥、欧洲水泥、北方水泥、南方水泥、豪瑞集团、意大利水泥集团、墨西哥水泥集团、通威饲料、正大饲料、彩虹饲料、中阿化肥、中天化肥、鲁西化工集团等、大北农集团、中化集团、中农集团、北大荒集团等国内客户。

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企业类型 有限责任公司 统一社会信用代码 91120000752219611W
成立日期 2003-08-01 法定代表人/负责人 陈宗敏
注册资本 80,008万(元) 注册地址 宝坻区牛道口镇华今路1号
营业期限 2003-08-01 至 2050-07-31 登记机关 天津市市场监督管理委员会
经营范围 生产、销售塑料制品;电子科技开发;货物进出口(法律、行政法规另有规定的除外);仓储(危险品除外);普通货物运输;以自有资金对塑料业进行投资;房屋租赁;塑料制品专用设备租赁。(许可经营项目的经营期限以许可证为准;国家有专营、专项规定的按专营、专项规定办理)(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)
Daniel Han先生经理
天津 宝坻区 牛道口镇华今路1号
天津 天津 宝坻区 牛道口镇华今路1号 天津华今集团有限公司
本页面所展现的 河北带盖吨包吨袋 太空袋 集装袋 桥梁预压污泥固废 加厚底部承重大 信息及其他相关推荐信息,均来源于其对应的商铺,信息的真实性、准确性和合法性由该信息的来源商铺所属企业完全负责。供应商网对此不承担任何保证责任。