产品特性性能优越 | 品牌JWELL |
型号JWS45/25 | 种类异型材挤出机 |
螺杆数单螺杆 | 售后服务24是在线 |
产品别名特种工程塑料挤出设备 | 产品用途特种工程塑料型材挤出 |
螺杆直径45mm | 最大挤出直径300mm |
生产能力5-25Kg/h | 定位精度±0.01mm |
外形尺寸13000*4500mm | 电动机功率15kw |
规格10-300 |
产品特性性能优越 | 品牌JWELL |
型号JWS45/25 | 种类异型材挤出机 |
螺杆数单螺杆 | 售后服务24是在线 |
产品别名特种工程塑料挤出设备 | 产品用途特种工程塑料型材挤出 |
螺杆直径45mm | 最大挤出直径300mm |
生产能力5-25Kg/h | 定位精度±0.01mm |
外形尺寸13000*4500mm | 电动机功率15kw |
规格10-300 |
PEEK/PPS/PEI/PSU And Other Special Plastic Plate, Rod And Pipe Production Lines
2.挤出机螺杆结构针对PEEK等特种塑料专门设计,螺杆机筒采用特殊进口合金钢,强度高、 耐腐蚀、不脱落,***产品质量。
Characteristics of production line 1. the production line adopts integrated design, with compact structure and easy operation. 2. the screw structure of the extruder is specially designed for PEEK and other special plastics. The screw barrel is made of special imported alloy steel, with high strength, corrosion resistance and no shedding to ensure product quality. 3. the sizing table adopts a new sizing structure, which is convenient for online adjustment of center height and process temperature. 4. the tractor adopts damping design, and the power is controlled by servo motor and star reducer to realize stable operation. 5. the cutting machine adopts imported motor and saw blade. The specially designed program and customized saw blade can prevent the product from edge collapse during cutting. 6. the whole machine adopts Siemens PLC and touch screen linkage, which can be operated and monitored remotely. 7. it has strong versatility. By changing the mold, the same production line can be used for plate, bar, thick wall pipe, etc.
企业类型 | 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股) | 统一社会信用代码 | 91320481MA1NAXWH76 |
成立日期 | 2017-01-16 | 法定代表人/负责人 | 何海潮 |
注册资本 | 1,000万(元) | 注册地址 | 溧阳市昆仑街道上上路118号5号车间 |
营业期限 | 2017-01-16 至 无固定期限 | 登记机关 | 溧阳市行政审批局 |
经营范围 | 片板设备、挤出设备、破碎设备、上料及干燥设备、PET结晶干燥及除湿干燥系统配套辅助设备、混料设备、化纤成套设备、普通机械设备、 塑料机械、化纤机械、电工机械、包装机械、健身器材、大型精密模具及以上设备零配件的制造、研发、加工、销售;仪器仪表及零配件销售;自营和代理各类商品及技术的进出口业务。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) |